Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Last Day In France and Belgium Adventures!

Bonjour.. Hallo..

We're relaxing in our room on Stalingrad avenue in downtown Brussels. The train station across the street is loud and we are tired.

Let's recap the last few days. They've been fun. Here we go:

Monday morning started with a quick breakfast and a delicious lunch with our hosts in the north of France. From there, Xav took us to Ètretat, France's answer to the Cliffs of Dover (so high you can't see ooovvveerrr). What a sight. Sprawling high above the choppy waves and tricky tides, these wind-whipped wonders (oh, yeah) of nature left us in awe. Hopefully our pictures will do it justice (not the ones attached, these are just phone shots).

After the cliffs we stopped by a distillery/monastery for a liquor called Benedictine. It was interesting. The liquor was sweet like bear meat and was overall not very tasty, also like bear meat.

Dinner with our hosts was bittersweet. It was our last night in France with some of the most wonderful people we've had the privilege of meeting. The sweet part was the dinner. Oh, man. So good. Homemade pies! Including ratatouille.

Cut to early morning. We say our sad goodbyes to great friends, then we are whipping through several French villages to get to our train station on time. Success! We're off to Belgium.

We arrive in Belgium mid afternoon and hit the ground running. We stop and get a well known dish, fritas (fries) served with mayo. Delicious. From there we people watch. A World Cup qualifying match between Belgium and Scotland is in town and the hooligans are everywhere! This town is a party!

This is when we meet up with Shelly. We've known Shelly for a year and a half. I worked with her at Yelp. About a month ago she moved to Florence to teach English, so it was a real treat to catch up with her!

We tooled around the town for a few hours then grabbed dinner and a few beers.

This morning we took a train to Brugges. We spent the entire day wandering through the streets. Really lovely place. We took a beer tour showcasing the last beer made in the city walls, ate lots of chocolate, a waffle, and had more fries. What a day.

Cutting this short as writing on my terrible phone is making me nauseous.

Tomorrow we'll walk around Brussels a bit more then head to Amsterdam, our final stop on this trip!

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